Transport & Connectivity

Leisure & Amenities

Children & Play

Maximising Community Assets

History, Heritage and Urban Change
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Work with citizens to develop places for children that meet their needs and involve children in the design process.
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This module deals with the recording of oral history interviews of community members by community cultural workers (archivists, curators, cultural researchers, historians, etc.) to record the collection and preservation of testimonies, memories, opinions and reflections of community people on issues related to the history, culture and heritage of a community or city.
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The word ‘connectivity’ describes how well different places are connected to each other using the transport system. If trains, buses and highways work more efficiently then the level of connectivity improves
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Community Asset Transfer (CAT) is a change in management of land or buildings from public bodies (e.g. local authorities) to community and voluntary sector groups, such as a social enterprise, a Community Interest Company etc. for less than market value to achieve a local social, economic or environmental benefit.
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This module deals with organising cultural mapping sessions, with members of a community, by community cultural workers (archivists, curators etc.). Cultural mapping can be a new tool for history and cultural preservation and promotion as well as community engagement and sustainability.
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Learn how institutional operators of municipal sports facilities (e.g. swimming pools) can reach their target groups in a more demand-oriented way and optimise the utilisation of the sports facility through new offers.
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Usually, spaces in the city are planned for children - but are these also the spaces that children find exciting? A discovery walk with the youngest children helps to analyse their needs.
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This module deals with creating a digital cultural map and route in your community for community cultural workers. Digital cultural maps and digital routes containing cultural or historical monuments, important places for the community or district’s history, or forgotten historical and cultural places in your community can be a tool for history and cultural preservation and promotion, as well as community engagement and sustainability.
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Telling stories is a vital human resource that is used only to comprehend and explain the world around us, to form personal and collective identities, to listen and understand others, and to construct the ideals and values that keep individuals and societies alive. This module is about organizing a youth Community Storytelling Workshop.
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Video interviews and promotional videos are one of the most widespread ways of highlighting the positive aspects of the operation of community projects and community spaces, to inform and raise awareness among citizens and the general public. This module is about creating a video interview/video presentation of a local community project to highlight the values and ethos promoted through its operation.
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Planning events and activities that promote community participation, mobilise citizens and promote or embed the values and ethos of the community in its citizens is crucial. This quest is about planning such an event/activity.
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Find out more about teenagers‘ favourite places. Use media to engage with young people, learn about their favourite places and why they like them.
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How about creating a pop-exhibition on “food memories“? Don’t miss the opportunity to put together community food memorabilia.
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Culture is one collective term of religion, beliefs, social norms, arts, customs, and habits that we possess.
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Cultural identity is what you share with members of a group. It is formed by, language, beliefs, values, and traditions of the community you come from.
Traditions of the community you come from
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What are your favourite cultural experiences? Do they include local food? Share them! Help create vibrant atmospheres and edible experiences.
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Healthier Pathways: Active Travel challenges local cyclists and walkers living in urban communities to find their way around their city and out of their city on their bike or by walking using routes that minimise exposure to poor air quality.
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How children (and adults) living in urban areas can reconnect with nature to improve their mental and physical well-being.
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Fight against food waste and how to act to reduce and manage it.
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Culture and tourism have a strong relationship that can make places more attractive and competitive
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Supporting local businesses is essential to developing the local economy and helping your community to thrive.
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Develop your own community centre sets out a challenge of designing a new community facility working with future users and beneficiaries to ensure that the building meets their needs and their vision.