Cooperativa Operária Portalegrense
The Cooperativa Operária Portalegrense (Cooperativa) was originally founded in 1898 by a group of workers from the Robinson Cork Factory. It was created with the aim to give social and educational support to the workers, and their families, of the different industries in the city of Portalegre and it was also a space for education and culture. With an old tradition based on the values of cooperation and social support, the Cooperativa operated actively until the late ’80s of the XX century.
Nowadays, the Cooperativa is a non-profit organisation that aims to carry out activities in the fields of social solidarity, education and culture through the promotion of specific projects and actions of associative improvement and development in the areas of social welfare, education and training, guidance, sports and leisure-time activities for the community.
The Cooperativa is an association, volunteer-based, that intends to respond to the aspirations and economic, social and cultural needs of the local community of Portalegre based on the following principles:
- 1º Principle: Voluntary and free membership.
- 2º Principle: Democratic management by its members.
- 3º Principle: Economic participation of its members.
- 4º Principle: Autonomy and Independence.
- 5º Principle: Education, training, information and support.
- 6º Principle: Intercooperation.
- 7º Principle: Interest in the community.